Raymond Rupert MD (retired), MBA has operated RCM Health Consultancy Inc. (RCM) for over 25
years. The company has focused on the advanced case management of complex cases.
RCM uses teams of experts in a collaborative care model.
RCM has global capabilities managing an expert network of over 3200 experts and over
2800 vendors of goods and services. RCM has unique capabilities using a collaborative
team approach to generating "best of care" options for clients.
Raymond Rupert has spent several years in the healthcare investment banking business with
Sharwood and Associates and Gundy and Associates before starting RCM Capital Advisors.
Raymond Rupert has edited two books on investment banking. In Canada, he edited the Canadian
Investment Banking Review and in the USA, he edited the New Era Of Investment
Banking. Raymond Rupert has worked on government advisory committees relating to innovative
healthcare policy.
Raymond Rupert has lectured at the Rotman School of Business and The Schulich School of
Business. Raymond Rupert has mentored healthcare startups for over a decade.
Raymond Rupert combines a deep understanding of the gaps in healthcare service
infrastructure with an equally in depth understanding of the tools of corporate finance.
RCM Capital Advisors uses a collaborative team approach for each client assignment to
creatively structure and fund high value impact investments.